The neck osteocondrose

Neckband osteochondrosis so-called progressive burning-degenerative disc disease with defeat of the intervertebral discs in the region of 1 to 7 vertebrae belong to the neck department.

osteocondrose of the cervical spine

As a result of a degenerative disease of the cervical disc occurs, the strain, the exhaustion, and then, and the defeat of the vertebral bodies. This is the principle of good blood supply and the nervous system, the conductivity in the region of the neck, and the areas that are innervated by the roots of the nerve the cervical.

The neck osteocondrose can be just as isolated, and combined with osteochondrosis of the other functions in the thoracic, lumbar, and sacral.

Causes of

Causes of degenerative diseases and the degenerative changes intervertebral disc yet to see enough of. On the assumption that the osteocondrose – senile phenomenon of confirmation, there was none. It is found in children and adolescents.

The highlight is a series of predisposing to the development of degenerative disc disease of the main factors. These include the following:

  • inactivity and a sedentary lifestyle,
  • some of the types of jobs with a static load in the neck
  • being overweight, lack of physical development,
  • dysplastic processes of the underlying connective tissue
  • impairment of blood circulation in the region of the neck,
  • an injury to the neck,
  • scoliosis, defects of posture, uncomfortable pillows and mattress
  • predisposition to inherited defects in metabolism.

The symptoms of degenerative cervical disc disease

The cervix is due to the characteristics of the skeleton of bipedalism, and also due to the large size of the head is particularly vulnerable to the development of degenerative disc disease – bone in it, smaller in comparison with that of other departments of the spine, a muscle injury is very severe.

The main feature is a symptom, which is often the patient's pain in the neck department. Depending on the field of defeat, the pain can be located

  • the collar and the shoulder;
  • in the whole of the cervical department of the spine;
  • at the front of the chest.

The pain in the neck osteocondrose is due to the characteristics of the cervix.

The first signs of a degenerative cervical disc disease is slight, and of little specific:

  • pain in the throat, in the evening,
  • feeling of heaviness in the head, headache, aches and pains in the area
  • a feeling of numbness, or a sensation of pins and needles in the shoulders and in the hands
  • shred in the neck when you turn your head, the click in his vertebrae.

The main symptoms are:


  • a very sharp pain in my neck, and, especially, in the area just below the nape of the neck;
  • the pain occurs after long periods in the same position (for example, sleep);
  • the neck muscles are constantly strained;
  • they are seen struggling with the deviation of the hand direction.
  • on the affected side with the fingers of the hand, and of unbelief in the movement.

Because the compression of the vertebral arteries occur in neurologic manifestations: headaches, nausea, there is fainting.

Spinal symptom

the pain is localized behind the sternum on the left side.

This type of headache is to be distinguished from the pain of angina pectoris (from angina, it brings relief from the nitroglycerin, when you osteocondrose or not).

When out of the breach of a construction of the intervertebral disc is a compression (compression), and there is a breach of the nerves, as well as, a narrowing, or breaking the arteries and veins that occur in the region of the vertebral column.

This leads to the formation of the syndromes, which are a special root, and ischemic stroke.

  • the defeat of the first cervical vertebra (C1): disorders that affect the back of the head, thereby reducing the sensitivity of the skin;
  • with the defeat of the C2 gives you the pain caused in the area of the crown and the nape of the neck;
  • with the defeat of the C3 gives you a pain in the neck to the side, against a decrease in the sensitivity of the tongue and sublingual muscles, and in some cases, a violation of the speech and the loss of control over the language.
  • the defeat of the C4 and C5, gives pain in my shoulder and collar bone, with the reduction of the tonus of the muscles of the head and neck, the sobs, of the violation of breath, and pain in the heart;and
  • with the defeat of the C6 is quite often the case, giving you a pain in the neck with the blade and the forearm to the fingers of the hand, you may have a sensitivity to the skin
  • with the defeat of the C7 gives you similar symptoms, with pain in the neck, the back of the shoulder down to the back of the brush, a violation of the hand-power, and the diminution of the reflexes.

Circulatory disorders due to the compression of the blood vessels in the area of the cervical vertebrae giving head aches to migraines, nausea, dizziness, disturbance of vision and tinnitus, a flicker flies from the front of the eye, the disturbances of functions of vegetative.

It can be a manifestation of cardiac compression syndrome, pain in the heart, shortness of breath, and palpitation, rhythm disturbances.


The serious complications of the disease, degenerative disc disease of the cervical disc are

  • the bulging intervertebral disc, with the formation of a hernia (protrusion);
  • the breakdown of the intervertebral disc by means of a violation of the nerves and blood vessels, may compress the spinal cord, which can be life-threatening;
  • also, it can be a radiculopathy (damage to nerve root), the formation of bone spurs (spikes on the bodies of the vertebrae, with the manifestation of paresis and paralysis.

The diagnosis

If you have the above complaint, you should contact your doctor-a podiatrist or a neurologist.

First of all, the doctor will assess the mobility and pain in the region of the neck, in the sensitivity to and the other conditions of their office. Then, it is necessary to x-ray cervical spine in multiple planes of the image, and, if required, computed tomography scan, or magnetic resonance imaging-mri scan with the suspicion of a hernia.

In the event of a breach of circulation, you will need to rheoencephalography and the research of the eye's contours.

In the treatment of degenerative cervical disc disease

The same symptoms may also be signs of various diseases, and the disease can escape, not from a textbook. Don't try to cure yourself — talk to your doctor.

Today, there are both traditional and non-traditional methods of treating degenerative disc disease in a cervical department of a spinal cord.

You basically apply the methods of conservative:

  • treatment is symptomatic and pain-killers to alleviate the pain threshold of the syndrome
  • get the drugs with anti-inflammatory non-steroids, a-to the relief of the inflammation and the swelling of the tissues
  • to address muscle spasms, apply antispasmodics, medications to improve the blood circulation.

In the treatment of degenerative cervical disc disease using substances that repair of the structure of the intervertebral disc.

It shows the progress of the vitamin a therapy group, you will apply to the open-air means of the therapy, gels, and creams, lotions, anti-inflammatory and analgesic components. Shown any stimulants and regeneration of the intervertebral disc.

In the treatment of degenerative cervical disc disease, the recommended, wearing the special collar.

Complications of degenerative disease of the cervical disc, with the multiple vertebrates, the hernia that is in violation of the sensitivity of the circulation of the blood, and can be dealt with promptly.

The length of treatment depends on the negligence of the state, as well as the osteocondrose is a progressive chronic disease. The treatment can be time-consuming and preventive courses for a living.

Significantly ease the condition, when the osteocondrose will help you with the proper nutrition. You can read more about the principles of a balanced, healthy diet when osteochondrosis in our other article.

Exercises for treatment of degenerative cervical disc disease:

  • Your very own pull switch straight up, you should lower your shoulders down as far as possible, the neck will need to pull it up. It is necessary to do at least 10 approaches, no less than 3 times in a day.
  • Self-massage to shake it off with a towel in his neck, taking it by the ends and pull them, one at a time, flexing of the muscles of the neck. You should also make sure that the towel doesn't slip off the shoulders (not rubbing it in).
  • Gymnastics for the cervical spine when osteocondrose: shown to be small, the bending of the neck, as well as the speed and inclination of the head. Sometimes this is done for 5 to 7 slopes on each side. The most useful exercise will be carried out after the self-massage of the cervical spine.


On the basis of the health of the spine is a strong, healthy back exercise, comfortable bed with anatomical pillows, and a pillow, correct posture, and proper nutrition.

It is worth it to avoid injury to the neck, and weight-bearing exercise. It is necessary to combine the extended session with a time of rest, and exercise.